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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Game of Thrones watercolor portrait

I'm still trying to get a little bit better with watercolor so I wanted to attempt another portrait.  This time I tried Daenerys/Khaleesi from Game of Thrones.

Ignore the line under her eye... the paint found a rough spot on the paper and stuck to it. lol!  It's definitely not perfect and I've got a lot of learning to do but I think you can at least tell who it is supposed to be!  Maybe??  Okay, if not here is the image I used to draw and paint it.

Sorry, I don't have any progress photos for this one.  I didn't have much time so I kind of took it and ran with it until it was done.

My husband is SUPER obsessed with this show.  I have a love/hate relationship with it...  If you've ever watched it then you probably know why.  Any time you start to like a character they die or something completely awful happens to them!  I think the only reason I still watch is because it's like a train wreck and I can't look away.  I HAVE to know what happens to the characters and that keeps me watching.

Are there any shows out there that you love to hate??

Linking up to: Artsy Corner Thursday, Creative Every Day, Paint Party Friday, Friday SketchesArtists Playroom, Sunday Sketches


  1. This is spot on!!! I love it!! She is one of my favorite characters - except for Tyrion...whose whole character I am afraid might be changing for the worst.

    1. I LOVE Tyrion! He is definitely my fav. I love his sarcasm and wit. He's awesome. I liked Daenerys a lot more when the series just began. They changed her character so much

  2. Oh my gosh--I knew who it was immediately! You are super talented. :)

    1. Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it! =)

  3. Holy crap that looks so good! I'm jealous, I can't even draw stick people. How awesome!

  4. Wow this is fantastic! I'm glad you put the photo on as I don't watch the show so don't know who she is but you got her to a tee. Your painting is wonderfully delicate and ethereal.

    1. Thank you so very much! Yeah, I wasn't sure if everyone would know who it was so I thought including the photo would be a good idea. Thank you again!!

  5. I love so much watercolors
    thank you for giving me the inspiration!!
    your portret is so emotional

    1. Thank you Nat! I would love to see some of your work!!

  6. It is lovely; you are a portrait artist....very impressive.

    1. Thanks so much!! I absolutely loved your sun painting. Very beautiful!!

  7. Your portrait is amazing! I think the "line" under her eye adds to the emotion of the moment - like a tear! Absolutely Beautiful!


    1. Thank you! That's the same thing my brother said actually! lol!

  8. You nailed this one. What a beautiful painting, I don't think you've much left to learn about watercolors.

    1. Aww thank you so much!!! I usually use acrylic paints so watercolors are very new to me, and VERY unforgiving! lol

  9. Amazing job..she looks fantastic .your watercolors are simply beautiful!
    Shine on!

    1. Thanks so much Victoria!! You photography is absolutely stunning! Really amazing work!

  10. Julie, I don't have the nerve to show what I have painted from because I am not able to get such an exact likeness as you have achieved. This is absolutely perfect. No, I don't watch the show but I can see exactly what this character looks like because your painting is so real.

    1. Faye, thank you so much! You are so sweet! I loved your oil painting that you did! I've always had such a hard time with them! I don't think I'm patient enough or something. haha! Acrylic is what I usually use and it dries much faster.

  11. Wow! Just WOW!! So realistic and captured just beautifully.

  12. your artwork is beautiful! faces, in my opinion, are the hardest to draw/paint...amazing. a friend gave me the first season of GOT, but i haven't gotten around to watching it...

    1. Once you watch a couple episodes you will be hooked! I get so mad but I keep watching for some reason haha! And thank you very much for the sweet compliment.

  13. wow, this is so pretty! love it!

  14. This is awesome! Looking forward to seeing more of your watercolor art!

  15. Ohhhh ask me anything about GoT. I told my husband that I would love to live there, his reply, "Honey, you already do" LOL You certainly captured Daenerys emotion. And the line by her eye could just be a tear from her having to lock up her dragons. LOL
    I REALLY like this painting.

    1. hahaha thank you so much Nicole!! My husband read the books so he already knows what's going to happen, but I told him, No, spoilers!!! hahaha!

  16. Wow, gorgeous work!!

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  17. this is all sorts of fabulous... I think you captured the mood of the photo perfectly and great colour work...xx

    1. Thank you Tracey!!! I really appreciate it!

  18. Beautiful .... I love it! that mouth is perfect ....

    1. Thank you! The mouth ended up being my favorite part of the painting too!

  19. WOW, Julie...awesome portrait! I agree with some of the other comments...the mark under her eye could be taken for a tear.

    I'm a Game of Thrones addict and Daenerys is one of my favourite characters. Her naughty dragons are certainly causing her some problems. I agree, you just don't know who is going to be killed off next.

    1. I like Daenerys, Tyrion, and Jon Snow. I can't chose a favorite! lol

      And thank you so much!

  20. haven't seen the show, so i appreciate seeing the photo of the character. you did a great job! i am so in awe of anyone who can do portraits. with all the deaths on that show - maybe that little line under the eye should be a battle wound and a show of survival ;)

    1. haha that's true!! Maybe it's an omen of what's to come!! LOL! I haven't tried a landscape in YEARS, it has always been portraits. Maybe I should give that a shot too. Thank you so much!

  21. This is gorgeous! I love it! I haven't watched the show, but from the painting and the reference, I can see you did an amazing job!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! Yeah Game of Thrones isn't for everyone haha! It even makes me crazy. My husband is addicted

  22. Thank you Alexandra!!! From you I will take that as a HUGE compliment! I have always loved your watercolors!

  23. You've done a gorgeous job on this. She looks wonderful. I haven't watched GoT but I read the books a few years ago... I agree, the writer seems to have no favourites when he's moving the plot forward.

  24. This is so beautiful; well done!
