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Thursday, October 23, 2014

One Lovely Blog Award

I had a nice surprise this morning. Well, first a not so nice surprise....the blog post that I had originally written and scheduled for today somehow got deleted.  Grrr!  BUT then as I was checking my new comments, I saw that I had been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by Charlotte over at A Love Triangle.  Thank you so much Charlotte!  This truly made my day!

The rules for this award are:
- Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
- Add the Lovely blog award logo onto your post/ blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself.
- Nominate 15 bloggers you admire/ read and inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

7 Facts about me:
1.  I have a degree in Technical Theater and have painted sets for large theaters and a movie set
2.  Right now I am a stay at home mom, but I am looking to go back to work soon.
3.  I have an addiction to vanilla oreos.  OMG they are so good!
4.  My birthday is on Wednesday and I'm turning 30!  I'm not so excited about it.
5.  I can be a very anxious person.  I worry about everything and can get stressed easily.
6.  This may be an obvious one but I LOVE clothes/shopping.  It's my stress reliever.
7.  I used to have a fear of heights but I went bungee jumping to get over my fear. *Bungee jumping is not as fun as it looks!  I got whiplash!

Blogs I would like to nominate:
I want to nominate any and all blogs that are giving this blog life a try.  It's definitely not as easy as I thought it was going to be and I want the bloggers that are just starting out to know that we've all been there.  I still have A LOT to learn too.  Just keep at it.  AND if you write one of these posts, leave me comment with the link because I would love to see it and get to know you!

Thank you so much again, Charlotte!


  1. Bungee jumping has never looked fun to me. lol. My cousin does the same thing-- theater set design. You must be one talented lady! I know i've seen your paintings and they're amazing.

  2. That's really cool! And thank you so much! I really appreciate that =)

  3. oh gosh how terrifying about bungee jumping! i always thought it looked a bit scary and dangerous, i'd almost rather skydiving!

  4. Skydiving is another thing I would like to try, but I have weak ankles so I'm not sure if that would be a good idea. lol

  5. Yikes! I'm terrified just reading about the bungee jumping LOL you are a brave girl! Congrats on getting nominated! Thanks for the words of advice and encouragement to us newbies! I have a ton to learn :) BTW my bday is coming up as well.happy early birthday to you!

  6. Ouch on the whiplash!!! Loved reading more about you!!!!

  7. Thank you so much!! I hope you have a great birthday too!! And don't worry, I still have a bunch to learn around here too. I think there is always going to be something new to learn

  8. Thanks Julie!! Yeah, it hurt...pretty bad. LOL Definitely not my wisest decision. haha
